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Updated: Jul 31, 2023

Hi fellow Angelinos! Now that we’ve gotten past all this dreary rain- let’s get things back on track!

I’ve been busy finishing up my “At-Home-Detox” and will roll it out soon, so get ready to cleanse in the Spring!

Did you know that this past February is the first month in in history that it has not been above 70 degrees in this month since weather reporting? Therefore, detoxing has not been on my mind as much as it has in the past. It’s been cold!

It’s times like this that consistency in your health is important. Relaxing, being inward, exercising, meditation, connections, dinners at home as well as a consistent healthy diet will benefit you in the future and when you’re ready to do a cleanse it won’t be such a jarring experience. If you’ve gained a little weight this winter – don’t worry! The spring will bring you ways to clean the Liver naturally and get you releasing anything you’ve gained. Hang in there until the warmer days when the body doesn’t hold on as much.

Remember that the definition of “detoxification” is opening the pathways of the body to eliminate. Breathing, sweating, urinating, and defecation are natural ways the body continues to release waste. Adding in mega amounts of nutrients and expediting the detoxification process with external modalities (saunas, colonics, breath work, massage, etc.) is the true way to heal from any condition.

Food restriction and a low calorie diet is an old way of thinking of detoxification of the body. We know more that we did when I got healthy over 20 years ago. Here’s a quick guide to my 5 top tips for Digestive Health. It’s about progress, not perfection and knowledge is the key. Hope to see you all soon as we move into spring weather – yay! 5 Top Tips for Digestive Health

  1. Chew your food well. Often we are eating a random times and in a hurry. Your system is run by hormones and is sensitive to changes in our circadian rhythm of the body. We need to eat and sleep at consistent times during the day. . When eating, take breaths to lessen the stress hormones. Chewing allows enzymes in the mouth to begin to break down macronutrients to restrict bloating and help absorb nutrients.

  2. Look for signs of mal-absorption. Imbalances in the body will reveal themselves to tell you what’s going on…rashes, bloating, constipation, irritability, fatigue, PMS, cravings, etc. These are all signs of something deeper happening. You may have underlying issues that are driving your symptoms that need to be addressed. Work with a holistic health practitioner to help you reveal your core issues.

  3. Eating seasonally and locally. If you haven’t been to your local Farmer’s Market recently, now is the time to go. See what is in season and watch how it changes through the year. This brings you in touch with the balance of nature and helpful in your overall diet choices. Try some local honey to bring in the flora from your area to help with seasonal allergies.

  4. Hydration. Drink 4oz of water at a time for better absorption. Drink structured water and eat cold pressed oils to keep the body hydrated and supple. Tap water contains fluoride, which calcifies glands in the body. If you’re feeling dry, eat foods that contain water – tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, etc. and the body will use the precious water to help flush the cells of the body.

  5. Detoxification. Liver cleanses, sweating, deep breathing, dry brushing, colonics and good thoughts help the body function optimally and leave you the energy to live a full and beautiful life. Probiotics are a wonderful addition to attain good health! It may be absorbed in the form of a supplement, kefir, kombucha, cultered veggies, etc. But, here’s the thing - many people are compromised in the gut and therefore have a hard time colonizing Probiotics because of Leaky Gut, SIBO or anything affecting the gut lining. I learned of a new kind of SPORE BIOTIC that is the first FDA approved spore technology to deliver cultures in SPORES! They are indicated specifically for anyone with an AUTOIMMUNE ISSUE. I’ve been using them for a year along with my 200 Billion probiotics and find I have less bloating and more balance in my gut. I now sell them at my office and recommend you try them if you feel you need support for your immune system.

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